Each year we run a walking challenge, and this year we will take on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge 2022.
This challenge is open to everyone of any age and any level of fitness. We start the programme with gentle walks exploring our capabilities and in the true ICL style, that’s not just our physical capabilities! We will explore our heart, mind and soul. We will look at what is blocking you form moving forward. If you are prone to injury, we can help you with that too, very often it’s our bodies way of communicating to us. We can explore these whispers and you can build a stronger and more resilient you – a happier you.
We will train as a group, creating our own little community who support each other through this challenge from start to finish. This is a safe space to talk over your challenges as you face them, a place to learn from each other and know that you are not alone in your struggles.
What we need from you:
Firstly, we need commitment to attend as many training sessions as possible. This is important for your own journey, as we will work through different techniques and stories each time. You will learn from other people’s stories as well as your own and it also makes sure you stay connected and feel safe with your group.
We don’t charge for the training and coaching sessions but we do ask that you raise sponsorship or given a donation the Three Peaks Challenge 2022 even if you don’t manage to make the final event. This is to keep I Choose Life Foundation going, so we can support people regardless of their situation.